
- Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 -
Jumped online as I usually do to have some relaxing music in the background as I usually do while I work and heard Mothers Devotion and 5 min later downloaded the Grand Design MP3 off of CD baby. Awesome music.-Tim
Once in a while, you get exposed to gems through Pandora and you are truly one. I heard Long Awaited Love. So beautiful!! I am getting married in September. I am going to buy your albums to make my pre-entry playlist. Love, love, love your music. God's blessed you with such talent! -Vanessa
Your music is truly joyful and relaxing and I love listening to it! -Lea
It's amazing how you can bring out so much of the music and playing so little. That's a true master of his craft. Beautiful stuff!! -Bob
Music is such a gift to the heart. Thank you for the places your music takes us. -Anita
Beautiful music. Thank you for sharing it with us. You have a gift. :-) -Evelyn
Thad, we are really enjoying VAST; equal to Grand Design! Very pleasurable ~ and all the more so knowing that it is your desire to bring honor to the Lord. We're eager for number 3. -Kelly
Had to stop what I was doing and look to see who this artist was, never heard of him, but I'm asking for this for my birthday, Good luck and thank you for showing us the love in music of God's peace, love and tranquility. Answer to prayer in my crazy world of chemo, hair loss and illness of my mother, Thank you again! -Kim
Beautiful tranquil music taking my mind to a peaceful place outside of the fast lane in which we live in. Many of my co-workers utilize Grand Design every day for our daycare kids to help them relax and calm down for the day… great for getting the kids to relax for nap time. -Benita
Simply relaxing and meditative, I especially enjoy it for quiet times, and while traveling. It is wonderful, emotionally stirring music. -Becky
This music pulls your soul into the presence of God -Andy
This CD is great for businesses, a breath of fresh music for employees and customers. -Barb
Listening to Fiscella's music literally inspired me to the point of bringing a tear to my eye feeling the presence of God in every touch of the keys. I was a professional musician for years and know music and talent, I could listen to this CD for hours on end. -Tim
I have never been a fan of instrumental music. This CD is the only one I have ever listened to repetitively! I have recommended this CD to many of my friends. It is inspirational, relaxing, and enjoyable for the soul! I have used it as background music for chapel service at the prison and everybody that hears it comments on how it really soothes them. - Sherry
I know this CD is inspired by God! I can't count the number of times I've listened to this CD since receiving it only a week or so ago. Fiscella is a very gifted pianist and has done a wonderful job with this CD. It is very enjoyable to listen to it hour after hour. I'm really looking forward to the next one. Would love to see a follow-on real soon. Very well done!! ...and I know based on what he wrote it is his desire to give all the Glory to the Lord. -Sara
About the Songs
Learn the meanings of Thad's songs, their stories and tributes
About the Cd's
Learn more about the CD's Thad has created, and read notes from the artist himself
The first song I would like to give an explanation to is "Longing for Emma" off of my first album Grand Design: When I first married my wife, I always had a strong desire to be a father, especially a father to a beautiful little girl. I could remember seeing some of my friends with their daughters, and longing for the day when I too could hold close, laugh with, and spoil my own Sweet Girl (Another Song off of my album Love Without Words). Well, after about 6 years of marriage we gave birth to our second child, a little girl we happily named Emma! So glad that not only did the song come true, but to this day, she continues to inspire new music, including the song "Emma Lee" off of my "Free to Fly" album.
Throughout my albums, I continue to write songs inspired by my children. Becoming a father and the love I have for my children, (as many of you may know) truly has an effect on you! Some of these songs include "Reed's Song" (which I am currently writing a new song for Reed called "For Reed", "Angel Kisses," which many people may not realize is inspired because all 3 of my children were born with the "Angel Kisses" birthmark. There are also a number of lullabies inspired by holding or singing to them as babies, including the song "Lullaby, "Once Upon a Lullaby" and "Sweet Surrender".
I have frequently been asked, "where did the name Mayapple Road come from." This song actually represents my previous job and my busy schedule working every day as a social worker. There is actually a road I would drive by frequently while I was working named Mayapple. I liked the name and thought hey, this would make a great title for a song I had already written. The song "Mayapple Road" is in contrast to my song "A Day on Hamilton Street", which is a reflection of my childhood and one of the neighborhoods I grew up in. Both songs are available on the album Love Without Words.
Fall is my favorite time of the year, except for those dreaded seasonal allergies, I often write songs inspired by the fall. Missouri has one of the most beautiful Autumn Seasons in America, and it never ceases to amaze and inspire me each year with new music. Some of the songs I have written for Autumn include "When Leaves Fall," "Bittersweet September," "October Fade," and "Orchard Skies."
Out of all the songs I have ever written, Beauty of Grace seems to be one that inspires people the most. Beauty of Grace is one of those rare songs that I write over a few hours and also give a title after completing (I rarely have a title immediately after writing a song). The song was inspired by a prayer request I read on Facebook by a friend sharing concerns for a family who lost a child during pregnancy and were again pregnant, but the new baby was having complications with his kidneys. I could relate because I too, had a baby (my son Ross) who was born with kidney issues. After reading about this, I didn't know who the family was at the time but felt compelled and inspired to write a song for this family because even then, I believed that God was going to provide healing for this family, so I wrote the song over a few days, and from that was birthed the song Beauty of Grace. I later shared with my friend about the song, how unusual it was for me to write the song and title so quickly, and how I believed it was inspired by the Lord. I explained to my friend that I wanted to also share the song with the family, and I believed that their child would be healed like my son Ross was. Come to find out, I had gone to college with the family and knew them. I shared the song with them, only to find out that the name of the baby they lost the previous year was given the name Grace. Later that year, they gave birth to a healthy baby boy! God is Good!!
Speaking of the song "For Ross," which was written over a period of 3 days while I was in and out of the hospital after my son Ross' birth. We were told before Ross was born that he had fluid on his Kidneys, and the doctors were hopeful the fluid would not block up any further after his birth. It was a difficult time in our life, but we always put our hope and trust in the Lord. After Ross was born, one of the kidneys corrected, but the other didn't. We continued to pray, and I began to write a song for Ross and believed that God would heal him. Sure enough, God was faithful, and after multiple tests and seeing specialists, Ross was fully healed; and to this day, is a healthy, energetic young man. This also helped inspire my CD Vast, and the scripture reference describing the CD- Ephesians 3:18-21- 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. 20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
My newest CD is dedicated to my father after he passed away unexpectedly during the making of the album. I can still remember talking to him about a title for the CD and his thoughts about the music I had completed up to that point. The CD itself is about the Freedom we have in Christ, but after my father passed away, the title had a whole new meaning, now that my dad was in the presence of God (bringing remembrance to the hymn "I'll Fly Away"). Many of the songs on the album express time spent with my father and family, as well as the emotion behind losing a loved one. The CD starts with the song "When You Said I Do," which I felt was appropriate because one of my fondest memories of my dad was of him as my best man for my wedding; it was amazing getting to experience that day with him by my side. Many people also ask about the song Joyous Turmoil (William's Song). This song was written for my sister and brother-in-law during a difficult time in their life, in which their newly born son passed from life to death multiple times during birth. Although I wasn't there, my wife was, and she shared about the intensity of the situation, especially when code blue was called. While talking to my sister-in-law about the song, and a possible title, she explained that there is no way to really put words to the experience because it was such a time of joy for the coming birth but also a time of heartache and turmoil, which I believe is captured in the song, especially the sections in the song where the breath between notes is extended, and you can almost feel the tension and love at the same time.
Fiscella's 8th album, Through the Rain (2019), will take you on a musical journey through life's many trials and triumphs. Up to the mountain tops and down through the valleys. Through seasons of rain and through life's many storms. During your journey, the songs inside this album will lead you through a narrative of hope and joy; peace and comfort found only in Christ Jesus.
Notes from the composer: We all go through difficult seasons, some more difficult than others. For me personally, this past year was one of those "more" difficult seasons, as I spent nearly 40 days with my brother and his family at a hospital as he recovered from a massive heart attack that nearly took his life. During these times, it is often easier to fix our eyes on the rain and storms around us, rather than on the One who gives light and peace, direction, and hope. During a fierce storm, the captain of a ship must keep his eyes on the lighthouse as a marker, trusting in its ever-guiding presence as it breaks through the surrounding darkness. Much like that captain, we must keep our eyes on Christ, trusting in His ever-present, everlasting faithfulness and love. As we navigate through the storms of life, we must not focus on the rain (although we are aware it is there) but rather look through it, keeping our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus instead. May this CD be a source of joy and peace through all the seasons of your life, and through the periods of rain or storms, may it be a beacon of hope and light.
Fiscella's 7th album, Free to Fly (2014), is his most ambitious project yet, featuring 17 songs, 16 piano, and 1 piano with orchestration. He had begun work on the CD (having completed about half of it) when his father passed away unexpectedly. As you listen to the CD, you may hear the emotional transition but also the feeling of great peace as Fiscella relies on his faith to get him through that difficult time in his life.
Notes from the composer: This CD was a very special project for me, not only because my father was able to be a part of much of the project, getting his input, but knowing that he always wanted me to branch out a little more, to create unique music that was a little more lively, but in addition to my more calming music. The title track, Free to Fly, as well as songs When You Said I Do, Unbroken, and Lighthouse, for me, fit that mold. I believe he would have been proud of the new varied styles, styles I had never written or recorded before, especially the use of jazz chords. This CD has some very exciting moments but also some very emotional points, with the understanding that someday, I will see my father again. Scriptures that inspired this CD are Isaiah 40:28-31, Matthew 11:28-30, and countless others on Peace and Comfort, but how encouraging, and hopeful it is to know that my father is in Heaven with Jesus, and we will meet again.
Fiscella's 6th release, Peace, Comfort, and Joy: A Sacred Christmas, was created due to the promptings of many of Fiscella's family and friends, who wanted him to create a Christmas CD in his styling; peaceful, relaxing, and true to the spirit of the original Hymns. Fiscella was able to deliver, creating a relaxing Christmas CD perfect for the holiday season, but in a way that keeps the simplicity of the pieces, adding various nuances while allowing the listener to sing or hum along with the music in its entirety. This is a CD you will not want to miss out on during the Christmas season.
The Road Home is Fiscella's 5th CD to date, released in 2012. Described as one of Fiscella's most peaceful CDs to date, music that fits your life; the perfect blend of relaxing and uplifting music! This CD will meet you where ever you are in life, whatever stage you are in; this CD will speak to you and lift your spirit.
Notes from the Composer: The Road Home CD is really twofold. The music not only conveys the joy of home here on earth (family and friends, a life well lived) but it is also about The road we take to eternity. Life is full of choices, one after another; what is important to me is to make sure I am making the right ones under the Lordship of Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit. I made a choice many years ago as a child to follow Christ and allow Him to lead me in this life, till one day my eventual Home in Heaven. The choices I make now reflect my decision to follow Christ, and I continue to look to Heaven and His Kingdom to come!! Based on Scriptures found in Colossians 3:2, Philippians 4:8, and 2 Corinthians 2:5.
Love Without Words, Fiscella's 3rd CD released in 2010, is dedicated to family and friends, and reflects the passion and love He has for them through the expression of music; pure, relaxing, and inspirational piano, blending classical and contemporary sounds: music you can truly relax to and enjoy. The CD also depicts the importance of showing and demonstrating the love of Christ through service and truth and is based on scriptures found in 1 John 3:18. My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. The CD also expresses how we cannot fully understand Christ's love for us or his plans for our life, especially not with words, whether spoken, written, or in our minds. 1 Corinthians 2:9. But as it is written, "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard," nor has it entered into the heart of man, "the things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
Notes from the composer: The release of this CD marks 10 years of marriage to my beautiful wife Laura. The love we share has not only helped to inspire the music you hear but also created a love that words cannot describe. I hope and pray that these songs will also be for you as they have for me, a reflection of the time spent with loved ones, moments remembered, and memories cherished for a lifetime.
VAST, Fiscella's second CD, released in 2008, is a musical journey and expression of passion, emotion, and experiences created to convey the blessings received from God's overwhelming love, mercy, and goodness. Based on scriptures found in Ephesians 3:14-21, which says: For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in Heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, forever. Amen.
Notes from the composer: From the healing of my son Ross, the gifts of family, and the wonder of His creation; to the leading of his still small voice, the peace in His arms, and the praise He alone deserves, these songs are a testimony in my life of God's Vast immeasurable love, mercy, and goodness. This is my offering... When I first wrote these words in 2008, I never imagined how God would use this CD to touch countless people or how the response from people listening to this CD alone would allow me to begin working as a full-time musician. God has used this CD to build my faith and to begin to truly show me the vastness of his love and power! I have learned that when God says He can do exceeding abundantly more than we can ask or think, He means this to be inexhaustible!
Impromptus Vol.1 CD, released in 2009, was a sort of an experiment in the making. Fiscella spent many hours recording improvisation and decided to put together a CD containing songs created over a period of about a year (2008). The Impromptus Vol. 1 CD is the result. Fiscella Plans on releasing more volumes in the coming years. By definition, an impromptu is a musical composition or performance with little or no previous preparation, such as an improvisation. Although there is generally no form or structure associated with an impromptu, it did, in the 19th Century, become a term used for compositions with clear-cut forms, such as ternary and rondo. Pieces such as Four Impromptus, Op. post. 142 (D. 935) by Schubert, and impromptus by Chopin and Liszt, often used some form or structure. Fiscella’s impromptus typically have no form or structure and are created by simply hearing or briefly playing a melody or musical idea, then improvising through the piece while beginning the recording process. Each piece is then completed primarily with little or no preparation. Fiscella typically spends several hours a week practicing improvisation and recording his sessions as he practices, which in turn has produced the impromptus created so far and this CD.
Grand Design, Fiscella's first CD created in 2006, was also a sort of musical experiment to test the waters of composition. Fiscella put together songs created as early as his childhood (Tapestry, Mother's Devotion, and Remember Me) through his College years to create a one-of-a-kind collage and tapestry of musical ideas. The theme behind Grand Design is the beauty of God's creation and the Grand plans for His people. Based on scriptures found in Jeremiah 29:11-13, For I know the plans I have you, says the Lord; plans of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you shall call on Me, and you shall go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you shall seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
About Thad
Learn about Thad, his music, and his heart for ministry
Thad Fiscella's music is inspired by his life, family, and relationship with the Lord. His songs are simple, heart-felt expressions of personal convictions, raw emotions, and experiences throughout his life. Many people describe Fiscella's award-winning music as inspiring instrumental music from the heart that is both peaceful and passionate. Music is styled around classical implementation but very much juxtaposed with contemporary sounds and hints of jazz. Fiscella's music is created for peaceful relaxation but also to draw listeners in by painting musical portraits and telling stories through beautiful and uplifting music. Fiscella's mission is to serve the Lord and to be His vessel, to see the gospel shared, and to see people's lives changed through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. His passion is to use his gifts and talents to glorify the Lord, draw others to God, and help create an atmosphere that provides the listener with relaxing meditative music to unwind and relax from the stress of everyday life. Other than writing music, Fiscella's current focus in ministry is with Youth/College students and leading worship.
Musically, Fiscella is often compared to musical greats George Winston, Jim Brickman, Yiruma, and David Nevue. His songs often combine a unique rhythmic sense (particularly his use of rubato) with melodic simplicity and counterpoint. The fusion often produces a particularly delicate sound in the balance between melody and harmony and also rhythmically creates a soft and interesting harmonic feel, especially in his use of the 12/8 time signature.
Originally from Ottumwa, Iowa, Fiscella currently resides in Missouri and is married with three beautiful children. He has a bachelor's Degree in Psychology with a Minor in Music. He has been writing and composing music from an early age, beginning with whistling and singing, and eventually writing music for piano and orchestra by age 12. Fiscella grew up listening to and studying classical music, which typically resounds in some way in his music. He studied piano, violin, guitar, and percussion throughout his school years and is currently focused on the piano and digital instruments. Fiscella has been involved in ministry and ministry projects for 15+ years, including teaching, leading worship, and youth ministry. His passion is to serve the Lord in whatever capacity is needed. Fiscella's original intention for composing and creating music was for background music, or for times of meditation or relaxation, especially for his three young children. His music is designed for a time of calm, easy listening or events where background music is needed. Fiscella’s music has been played all over the world, in daycares, spas, retail stores, and business offices, for art shows, dinner parties, banquets, and weddings.
Grand Design is Fiscella's first solo project which started it all. Released in 2006, musically, it is a blend of simplicity and technique; melodic and at times impressionistic, containing fan favorite songs Letters of Grace, Mother's Devotion, and Remember Me. VAST is Fiscella’s second solo piano album, released in June of 2008. Fiscella's most popular album to date, including songs Angel Kisses, For Ross, and Long Awaited Love, It is also full of emotionally charged songs, filled with simple and thoughtful melodies, but even more relaxing and calming than previous and later albums. Love Without Words is Fiscella's third album, released in 2010, was a project to honor his family and 10 years of marriage to his wife. Many of these songs are inspired by his family and friends, and the emotion of the music follows suit. Impromptus, Vol. 1 is Fiscella's fourth CD and is entirely different from anything Fiscella has done before. Impromptus, Vol. 1 is a CD of his works of improvisation and simply sitting down and recording what is currently on his heart and mind. These recordings are more classical in nature, and because they are impromptu, some imperfections are present. Fiscella's fifth CD, The Road Home, contains some of his most popular work to date, including the songs Beauty of Grace, First Dance, and At the Cross. The Road Home is one of the defining CDs that bring the description of Fiscella's music that it can be listened to and enjoyed at any time and any place, "music that fits your life." Fiscella's sixth release, Peace, Comfort, and Joy: A Sacred Christmas, is Fiscella's first attempt at a Christmas release. He intended this CD to be a reflection of his style but also to keep the overall presence and musical intentions of the original Christmas hymns recorded. Fiscella's Christmas CD is very relaxing, and as one listener stated, "It just feels like Christmas." Fiscella's other intention with this Christmas album is to provide the listener with a CD they can sing along with their favorite Traditional Christmas songs. Fiscella's newest CD, Free to Fly, released in 2014, is a very special album dedicated to his father, who passed away during the making of it. Fiscella draws from that emotional experience while resting in his Heavenly Father for peace and comfort, which can be felt and experienced while listening.
Beyond the Horizon (2022), Fiscella's 9th album has a little bit of everything musically you have come to love, from his timeless and flowing melodies to his intricate, heartfelt rubato: classical meets contemporary at its finest. Beyond the Horizon is full of hope and wonder, and you can sense the raw emotion and depth of meaning throughout each beautiful song. The album tells a story about faith and trusting in God, who sees all and knows all. It is based on scriptures in Proverbs 3:5-6 -Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. The album conveys that while we don't know what the future holds, and we don't fully understand why certain things happen (with all life's twists and turns), we learn to walk by faith and trust that God has everything held together by his mighty and glorious hands, he will make your paths straight.
Notes from the composer: Beyond the Horizon starts off where my previous album, Through the Rain, ends. After the Rain is the first song on the new album, and it sets the tone for the story. While Through the Rain shares a musical story about a difficult season in my life, Beyond the Horizon tells a different story about a new season, the season after the rain stops, when life continues to go on, and you have to work through the aftermath. We have all been there; maybe you are there right now in a season of uncertainty, of questioning the results or the problems created during a difficult time. I spent several years in this season and began writing songs that would later become the album Beyond the Horizon. When the song After the Rains ends, the next 12 songs take you on a journey of discovery, a journey I went through during this season, and I hope the emotion is felt and it brings you peace and comfort as you listen, reflect, and relate. The final song, Something Beautiful, speaks of Romans 8:28, a verse that helps build my faith in a God who provides, sustains, and carries me faithfully through every season. God creates something beautiful within us when we fully, unequivocally surrender to him and trust him with our life, our decisions, and our faith. I don't fully understand everything that happens in this life, and I may not see on the other side of the horizon, but I know and trust in the one who does, Jesus.
And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.
God is working within me to glorify him for his purposes and has created a plan for my life I cannot fully comprehend. God desires to work through you as well. Will you trust your life in his capable hands?
I hope this album will be a comfort or help to you no matter where you are on your journey. I pray it will become music that fits your life.
Special Thanks to all those who helped me in the making of Beyond the Horizon and continue to support me, including my family, my wife Laura, and my children Reed, Emma, and Ross. My church family at Calvary Church, Josh for your listening ears and mixing help, and the many radio stations and curators who support me by faithfully playing my music, including Whisperings Radio, River of Calm, SoloPiano Radio, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, Apple Music, and the list goes on; I am truly thankful and blessed for all your support.
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