Are you interested in using Thad's music for a video or film project, on your website, for a radio spot or promo, a wedding slide show or DVD project? For a small license fee, you can use Thad's music for most media projects royalty free by purchasing a license below. For most YouTube videos, you can use Thad's music for free. You can learn more about YouTube video use below. Before purchasing a license, please read through the Terms and Conditions, which you can find here. Also note, If you are looking for new original music for your project please contact Thad directly about details and a possible quote.
Important: The licenses explained below only cover the use of Thad's original music. If you have any general questions about licensing music, or questions about using songs that aren't Thad's original music, be sure to ask Thad by sending an email to thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com. Songs that are not original, may need additional licensing via a third party.
Royalty Free Music
License thad's music for your next project
What your royalty free license covers:
Web Site Use: You can purchase a license for $10.00 per song, which provides you with unlimited use of the licensed song to stream on your website as long as the song cannot be downloaded by visitors. If you are unsure about the possibility of downloads, please contact Thad for information regarding the use of a secure player on your site to prevent this. You must also provide song credit to Thad as the composer of the licensed music making it obvious to those visiting your site. Please also provide a link back to Thad's website. Please consider something like..."The music you are listening to is courtesy of Thad Fiscella, you can hear more of Thad's music at www.thadfiscella.com"
Limit: You can license as many individual songs as you like for $10.00 each, but each song license is good for only one web site. An example would be if you have multiple websites, and purchase a license for a song, that license is only good for one of your websites, another license would need to be purchased for a second site and so on. The license is valid for the purchaser only and is non-transferable.
Youtube Video Use: You can use Thad's music for your YouTube videos free, but please give credit to Thad in the video itself as well as in the video description. The credit should say something along the lines of...
"Song Title"
Music courtesy of Thad Fiscella
Limit: A YouTube license assumes your video is no more than ten minutes in length, which means longer videos more than 10 minutes are not included. Although videos less than 10 minutes are free, you are more than welcome to donate for the music used.
Purchase License for Web Site Use
Donate for Youtube Video License
Manufactured CD/DVD/Media/Slide Show Use: This license falls under any project considered small (100 or less copies will be manufactured). This license is intended for shorter media projects, slide shows, power point presentations, school projects, etc... You can use the song(s) you license freely upon purchase for one project per license. The standard license fee is $10.00 per song. Also, please provide a credit within the project as follows.
"Song Title"
Music courtesy of Thad Fiscella
Limit: 100 copies or less. If you plan to manufacture more than 100 copies, please contact Thad at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com to discuss the details of your project and for a quote. This license also doesn't cover film projects or long play videos. Rather, this license is intended for shorter media projects, slide shows, power point presentations, school projects, etc... The license is valid for the purchaser only and is non-tranferable.
Purchase a License for CD/DVD/Media Use
Long Film/Motion Picture/Video Use: This license covers projects that are independent and small in nature. An example would be a non-commercial project that won't appear on broadcast television, in the theater, or distributed on a mass scale via DVD/Bluray, or other media formats. If your project fits this description, you can purchase a license at a rate of $95.00 per song. Please provide a credit in the project, something to the effect of...
"Song Title"
Music courtesy of Thad Fiscella
Limit: Use of Thad's music in a theatrical film, motion picture, or broadcast of any kind is not covered under this license. For use of Thad's music in commercial film or television, please contact Thad at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com to discuss your project and to get a specific quote. The license is valid for the purchaser only and is non-transferable.
Purchase License for Film/Motion Picture/Video Use
Radio Spot: This license covers use of one of Thad's songs in your radio spot. The license is $10.00 per spot as long as it is a limited run in a single market (for example playing for a month in one region). To license a song for unlimited duration or use, or for use in national radio markets, please contact Thad at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com to discuss your plans and for a specific quote.
Limit: Due to regulations for radio broadcasting/webcasting, this license only covers Thad's original music. If you would like to use a song that is not an orignal piece, contact Thad at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com for help. This license is valid for the purchaser/organization only, and is non-transferable.
Purchase a License for Radio Spot
terms and conditions:
Mass Production or Distribution: When purchasing Thad's music under this license agreement, song(s) purchased cannot be included in any commercial product that is considered to be massed produced (100 or more units) or distributed on the internet via iTunes, Amazon, Google Plus, or any other similar music service. A product release of more than 100 units, or any kind of mass distribution via the internet or other forms of media requires a different license. Any form of mass distribution via the internet will also require special consideration from the artist. Contact Thad directly at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com if you are unsure if your project falls under one of the above royalty free licenses, or to discuss the details of your project(s) and a possible quote if it doesn't.
Commercial Theater or Television Release: Use of Thad's music in a television broadcast or theatrical film is not covered by these licenses. To use Thad's music in a commercial, for television, film or theater, please contact Thad at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com to discuss the details of your project.
Adult Themes: Song(s) licensed cannot be included in any project that may be deemed inappropriate for children, for example containing excessive violence, use of profanity, sex or nudity. If your project contains or may potentially contain any of these elements, but you believe the music may still be appropriate, please contact Thad at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com to discuss your project.
Reselling: Songs cannot be resold or repackaged for any personal use or purpose, like creating your own CD or DVD with the music you license, or be resold as a new product, that is a blatant copyright violation under federal law.
Sharing, Trading, or Downloading: Song(s) licensed cannot be traded, redistributed, shared, or made available for download or sale. A song licensed cannot be transferred to anyone other than the purchaser of the license. Also, a licensed song within a project cannot allow the end-costumer to download or transfer the song for personal use.
Other Important Conditions:
When you license a song, you don't own the actual rights to it, you are simply purchasing a license to use the song(s) for your project. There is a legal difference in terms of copyright law. If you purchase a CD, you own the CD, but you do not own the copyrighted materials or music on the CD.
The songs you license cannot be the primary content of your product/project (also see the reselling topic above). The license is made available to simply allow you to use Thad's music as a compliment to your own product/project.
The licensed purchased covers a single use and user only. It cannot be transferred to another party at any time.
Licensed purchased are only for original music created by Thad. Use of cover songs that are not originally written by Thad may require additional licensing from a third party.
Do you have questions, or need help?
Feel free to contact Thad directly at thadfiscellamusic@gmail.com